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OUR STORYIn 1992, Beth Lavy read an article in the Small Farmers and Ranchers magazine about a unique breed of cattle that was lean, but still tender. There were also several pictures of the breed and how they crossed with other breeds. Both Chuck and Beth were very intrigued, and started on a search for their first Piedmontese bull. They eventually located a breeder in Lebanon, MO, and in 1994, they purchased their first fullblood Piedmontese bull (C-3 Capital Gain). It has taken several years, but the Lavy Farm now has about 40 head of registered Piedmontese cattle.After about four years, Beth’s parents, LeRoy and Mary Ellen Schieffer, also started raising Piedmontese cross cattle. LeRoy’s true passion is in raising cross calves and Mary Ellen enjoys raising the fullblood cattle. They started out with two fullblood heifers, and now their herd has grown to over 25 head of registered fullblood and purebred Piedmontese cattle.As the two farms grew, they made the decision to merge and sell their cattle and beef together. When this happened, they did not want to choose one farms name over the other, so they came up with a new name. Sugar Creek Piedmontese is named after the creek that runs between the two farms along with the name of the cattle that they sell.
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You are pre-ordering Beef. It can take up to 4 to 6 weeks depending on when you place your order.
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Raw Milk Delivery: This CANNOT be picked up at a regular Market. It must be a home delivery or at a non-market pickup. These are market rules. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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As of 9/18/2023 Sugar Creek Piedmontese is responsible to charge sales tax of 6.975% per the Missouri Department of Revenue